Evangelistic Sermons
The Cure for Spiritual Blindness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th December 2024The Greatest Faith on Earth
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st December 2024Hath God Said?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th November 2024Overcoming Barriers to Faith
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th November 2024Christ at the Door
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th November 2024Overcoming Conformity
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd November 2024Casting Out Ignorance
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th October 2024A Parable for the Self Righteous
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 20th October 2024The Wonder of Aarons Rod
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 13th October 2024The Most Beautiful News in the World
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th October 2024Tested By God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th September 2024The Faithfulness of God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 22nd September 2024The Lord Sees The Heart
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th September 2024Living Water
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th September 2024A Step Away From Death
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st September 2024The Beauty of Believing
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th August 2024The Sweet Savour of Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th August 2024Are You a Sadducee?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th August 2024Remember Lots Wife
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th August 2024The First Shall Be Last
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th July 2024Inseparable Love
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st July 2024The Fool's Condition
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th July 2024The Parable of the Vineyard
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th July 2024Blessed Credentials of Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th June 2024Christ our Greatest Friend
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd June 2024The Meaning of the Blood
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th June 2024Waking Up to Spiritual Reality
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th June 2024A Lesson in Faith
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd June 2024What More Could Have Been Done?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th May 2024The Battle for the Mind
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th May 2024Death Our Formidable Enemy
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th May 2024Loved Freely
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th May 2024The Way Out of Emptiness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th April 2024A Sincere Salvation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st April 2024The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Simple But Profound
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th April 2024The Withered Hand
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th April 2024Be Not Faithless
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 31st March 2024What Paul Said to Felix
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th March 2024Seeking No Other But Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th March 2024The Richness of God in The Gospel
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th March 2024The Legion of Satan
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd March 2024Captives of Babylon
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th February 2024The Christian's Better Portion
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th February 2024Seeking and Finding the Lord
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th February 2024The Blessing of the Lord
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th February 2024The Gospel in Exodus
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th January 2024Meeting the Hunger of Men
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st January 2024The Rich Man's Eternal Regret
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th January 2024The Look That Saves
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th January 2024Making All Things New
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 31st December 2023Mary's First Born Son
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th December 2023The Searching Question
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th December 2023The Kingdom of Heaven Suffereth Violence
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th December 2023The Love of the Man of Sorrows
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd December 2023The Marvel of Unbelief
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th November 2023Four Features of Authentic Gospel Ministry
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th November 2023Receiving the Crown of Life
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th November 2023The Truth About The Christian Life
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th November 2023What is Truth?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th October 2023Being Born Again
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 22nd October 2023The Need of the Nobleman
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th October 2023Four Reasons to Praise God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th September 2023Embracing the Impossible
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th September 2023Who is on the Lord's Side?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th August 2023The Nature of a Fool
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 13th August 2023The Identity of the Elder Son
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th August 2023One Sinner Who Repents
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th July 2023A Gospel Pattern in Prayer
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd July 2023The Immeasurable Grace of God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th July 2023This Is A Faithful Saying
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th July 2023The Meaning of the Miracles
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd July 2023The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th June 2023Noah and the Ark
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th June 2023Ears to Hear
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th June 2023The Benefits of Salvation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th May 2023Divine Adoption
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st May 2023Saving Our Lives
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th May 2023Seeing What Is Right
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th May 2023Behold The Lamb of God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th April 2023Declaring the Unknown God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd April 2023Then Came Jesus
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th April 2023The Stone Rolled Back
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th April 2023Healing The Ways of Men
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd April 2023The Tears of Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th March 2023The Deception of Sin
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th March 2023Making Sense of God's Anger
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th March 2023Seeking Signs and Wisdom
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th February 2023The Duty of Considering Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th February 2023Repentance and Faith
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th February 2023The Salvation of Zaccheus
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th February 2023The True Cost of Living
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th January 2023The Narrow and Wide Invitation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 22nd January 2023The Astounding Effects of the Gospel
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th January 2023Sin Sickness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th January 2023Restoring Wasted Years
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st January 2023The Joy of the First Christmas
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th December 2022Aliens and Strangers
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th December 2022Receiving a Cleansed Heart
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th December 2022Salvation In No Other
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th December 2022Judgement or Blessing?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th November 2022Missing Out on Heaven
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 20th November 2022The Right Response to Holiness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 13th November 2022The Rich Young Ruler
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th November 2022Death in Adam, Life in Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th October 2022Joy in the Darkest Place
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd October 2022Truth: Friend or Foe?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th October 2022The Gracious Invitations From the King of Kings
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th October 2022Four Features of God's Love
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd October 2022Finding Liberty for the Soul
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th September 2022This Same Jesus
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th September 2022Numbering Our Days
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th September 2022The Hope of Salvation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th September 2022Finding the Narrow Way
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th August 2022Can Faith Alone Save You?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st August 2022Matters of Judgement
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th August 2022Replacing the Stony Heart
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th August 2022The Law Our Schoolmaster
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 31st July 2022Simon Peter Falling Short
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th July 2022Resting in Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th July 2022The First And Second Murder
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th July 2022Christ Died For The Ungodly
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd July 2022Foolish Atheism
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th June 2022Conforming to God's Righteousness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th June 2022Our Hiding Place
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th June 2022Hope In The Midst of the Storm
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th June 2022The Reasonable Gospel
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th May 2022Who Do You Serve?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th May 2022The Folly of Man's Own Way
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st May 2022The LORD Our Helper
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th April 2022The Resurrection To Come
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th April 2022The Gospel in Leviticus
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th April 2022The Source of All Love
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd April 2022Choosing Life
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th March 2022The Sight of Faith
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 20th March 2022Building Upon a Rock
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 13th March 2022The Beauty of Redemption
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th March 2022Saved in Time
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th February 2022Confess, Repent and Believe
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 20th February 2022What Genuine Faith Looks Like
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 13th February 2022Satisfying the Longing Soul
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th February 2022The Second Birth
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th January 2022Conformed or Transformed?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd January 2022The LORD Bids Us Come
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th January 2022Be Prepared
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th January 2022Singing a New Song
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd January 2022Where Is Your First Love?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th December 2021The Wickedness of Herod
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th December 2021Behold The Lamb of God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th December 2021The Good Taste of the Lord
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th December 2021Divine Help in the Storms of Life
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th November 2021God Resists the Proud
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st November 2021Ending Our Spiritual Hunger
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th November 2021The Lord is Nigh
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th November 2021Rest for the Heavy-Laden
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 31st October 2021The Great Chasm
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th October 2021Awakening to Your Need
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th October 2021How To Be One of the Elect
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th October 2021Free Indeed
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd October 2021Without Excuse
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th September 2021Wilt Thou Be Made Whole
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th September 2021The First and Second Adam
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th September 2021The Cost of Following Jesus
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th September 2021Ye Shall Be As Gods
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th August 2021The Gospel of your Salvation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 22nd August 2021Great Pardon for Great Sins
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th August 2021The World's Reaction to Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th August 2021Complete Confidence in God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th July 2021Sin - When It Is Finished
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th July 2021Christ The Door
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th July 2021Loving Justice
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th July 2021Launching Out Into The Deep
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th June 2021The Gospel in Psalm 19
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 20th June 2021Our True Vocation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 13th June 2021Following the Wrong Way
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th June 2021The Worthlessness of Idols
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th May 2021Claiming the Kingdom by Force
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd May 2021The Foolishness of Selfishness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th May 2021The Matter of Life and Death
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th May 2021The Only Message We Preach
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd May 2021Gospel Lessons From Bethesda
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th April 2021The End of Fear
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th April 2021Life in Christ Alone
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th April 2021The One Who Came Back
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th March 2021Our Greatest Friend
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st March 2021A Spiritual Reality Check
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th March 2021Lord, Remember Me
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th March 2021How We Hide Our Sin
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th February 2021The Riches of His Grace
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st February 2021God's Rescue Plan
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th February 2021The Simplicity of the Gospel
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th February 2021No Victory for Death
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 31st January 2021Hearing and Speaking
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th January 2021The Inventions of Men
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th January 2021Consider Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th January 2021The Importance of Light
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd January 2021How A Believer is Born
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th December 2020Dreams at Christmas
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 20th December 2020Why We Need a Saviour
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 13th December 2020Not Willing That Any Should Perish
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th December 2020The Promises of God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th November 2020The Joyous Covering of Sins
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 22nd November 2020The Great I AM
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th November 2020Who Will Be Found at the Great Supper?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th November 2020Love and Hate
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st November 2020The Hem of His Garment
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th October 2020The God who searches the Heart
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th October 2020The Gifts from Heaven
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th October 2020Correcting Our Identity Crisis
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th October 2020The Gospel in the Magnificat
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th September 2020The Infection of the Gospel
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 20th September 2020All Things Possible With God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 13th September 2020Being One With God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th September 2020Superiority and Pride keep us from the Lord
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th August 2020The Lockdown of the Soul
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd August 2020How God Reveals Himself
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th August 2020Looking Unto God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th August 2020Ever Learning, Never Able
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd August 2020How God receives Sinners
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th July 2020The Worst Thing About Sin
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th July 2020Knowing and Judging
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th July 2020The Door of Salvation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th July 2020The Right Mind
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th June 2020The Meaning of Meekness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st June 2020The Time of Our Lives
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th June 2020What Our Lord Heard On The Cross
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th June 2020A Superior Safety
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 31st May 2020Seeing our Salvation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th May 2020No Condemnation in Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th May 2020Keeping The Best For Last
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th May 2020Gospel Compassion
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd May 2020God's command to repent
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th April 2020The blessing of being still
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th April 2020Recognising the risen Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th April 2020The offense of the Gospel
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th April 2020The Untroubled Heart
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th March 2020All Things for Good
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 22nd March 2020The blood that saves
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th March 2020The peace that we should flee from
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th March 2020No cloak for our sin
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st March 2020Beware of another Gospel which cannot save
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd February 2020Taste and see - putting God to the test
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th February 2020The preciousness of faith
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th February 2020The rage of the heathen
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd February 2020Carried by the Lord's people
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th January 2020The large place
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th January 2020Behold how he loved him
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th January 2020The knowledge that saves
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th January 2020The purpose of sorrow
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th December 2019The cry of the needy
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 22nd December 2019The need for self examination
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th December 2019Christ's care for sinners
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th December 2019A ruler's daughter raised
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st December 2019Kiss the Son
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th November 2019Our servant Saviour
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th November 2019The wise and the foolish builders
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th November 2019Taking the Lord's name in vain
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd November 2019Learning to walk wisely
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th October 2019The fire of the Word of God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 20th October 2019The pearl of great price
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 13th October 2019The way to please God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th October 2019True Christianity
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th September 2019Wandering in a desert place
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 22nd September 2019Faithful to forgive
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th September 2019The words of eternal life
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th September 2019What is it to be good?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st September 2019Why, what evil hath he done?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th August 2019A test of faith
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th August 2019The search for God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th July 2019The choice
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st July 2019The beauty of holiness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th July 2019Three essential facts about life
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th June 2019Faithful and worthy
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd June 2019The God who inhabits eternity
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th June 2019The temptations of Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th June 2019The blessing of repentance
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd June 2019It's a question of authority
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th May 2019The partially sighted believer
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th May 2019The problem of guilt
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th May 2019The most important question in the world
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th May 2019Be ye reconciled to God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th April 2019Peace be unto you
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st April 2019Feeding the hunger of the soul
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th April 2019The folly of forgetting judgement
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th April 2019Life more abundant
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 31st March 2019Lessons from Christ's healing ministry
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th March 2019Confidence in God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th March 2019The Saviour for the broken hearted
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd March 2019The invincibility of grace
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th February 2019Self harming the soul
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th February 2019Come Lord Jesus
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th February 2019The way of the Lord
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd February 2019The call to come and see
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th January 2019The God of order
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 20th January 2019Are you bearing fruit for the Lord?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 13th January 2019A happy new year?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th January 2019The call of Samuel
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th December 2018The wise men and their gifts
Tuesday Evangelistic Service . 25th December 2018God sent forth His Son
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd December 2018The life is in the blood
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th December 2018The parable of the invitations to the great supper
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th December 2018The work of God in Zacheus
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd December 2018Thou shalt not steal
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th November 2018The liberation of the imprisoned soul
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th November 2018The conscience bears witness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th November 2018No fault in Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th November 2018Conformed or transformed?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th October 2018Living free of fear
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st October 2018Walking the right way
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th October 2018The way back to God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th October 2018The parable of the drag net
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th September 2018The folly of idol worship
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd September 2018The glory of eternal life
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th September 2018God made man upright
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th September 2018The Lord is willing to save
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd September 2018The emptiness of earthly riches
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th August 2018Who is on the Lord's side?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th August 2018Putting God first
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th August 2018Behold the sorrow of Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th July 2018Vital aspects of salvation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th July 2018The bread of life
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th July 2018Mis-placed trust
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st July 2018The necessity of forgiveness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th June 2018The self examination of the soul
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th June 2018Christ hated without a cause
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th June 2018The deceitfulness of sin
Monday Evangelistic Service . 4th June 2018A failed life
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th May 2018The healing of blind Bartimaeus
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 20th May 2018What is your life?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 13th May 2018The God who cares
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th May 2018Meditating upon God's mercy
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th April 2018Living in light
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 22nd April 2018Grace and salvation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th April 2018The healing of Naaman
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th April 2018Why seek ye the living amongst the dead?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st April 2018The new heavens and the new earth
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th March 2018God's call to Adam
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th March 2018No condemnation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th March 2018Create in me a clean heart, O God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th March 2018Questioning goodness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th February 2018A faithful saying
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th February 2018The foolishness of atheism
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th February 2018Has Christ died in vain?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th January 2018What freedom looks like
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st January 2018The wounds of a friend
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th January 2018God's thoughts of peace
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 31st December 2017The significance of the nativity
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th December 2017The voice of Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th December 2017Is your trust in the right place?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd December 2017Learning from little children
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th November 2017What does Jesus have to do with us?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th November 2017Making sense of Heaven and Earth
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th November 2017No peace to the wicked
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th November 2017What is repentance?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th October 2017The sad love of darkness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 22nd October 2017The wandering sheep
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th October 2017What marriage is all about
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th October 2017From the power of Satan unto God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st October 2017Conquering Dagon
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th September 2017The after life we can avoid
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th September 2017The writing on the wall
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th September 2017The ministry of reconciliation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd September 2017Facing our accusers
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th August 2017Christ builds this church
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th July 2017The letter killeth
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd July 2017Beware of false prophets
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th July 2017Heaven's view of humanity
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th July 2017Jonah and the fish
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd July 2017Thirsting after righteousness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th June 2017The call to come forth
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th June 2017Looking to be saved
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th June 2017The compassion of God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th June 2017Sin and forgiveness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th May 2017Making sure of our calling
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 21st May 2017What kind of trader are you?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 14th May 2017Able to save
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th May 2017Setting the soul free
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th April 2017Series: 1 Corinthians
Love your enemies
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd April 2017The burning heart that believes
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th April 2017Essential grace
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th April 2017Pride
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th March 2017Series: 1 Corinthians
Seeking hidden treasure
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th March 2017The parable of the pounds
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th March 2017Overcoming the power of death
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th March 2017Unbelievable unbelief
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th February 2017Hearing and receiving the Word of God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th February 2017Finding true rest for the heart
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th February 2017God is not a man that He should lie
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th January 2017God's way of repentance
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 22nd January 2017Four crucial facts about God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th January 2017Seeing the eternal
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th January 2017What do we have to give?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st January 2017For with God nothing shall be impossible
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th December 2016We are in God's sight
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th December 2016Tasting that the Lord is good
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th December 2016The meaning of the ark of Noah
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th December 2016The mission of our Lord
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th November 2016The marvellous Christian life
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 20th November 2016Knowing not what we do
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th November 2016The pursuit of happiness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 23rd October 2016The value of a soul
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 16th October 2016The Father's gift to the Son
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 9th October 2016The offering up of Isaac
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd October 2016A spiritual relocation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 25th September 2016The physical effect of sin and how to overcome it
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th September 2016Do you have the Son?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th September 2016The dying thief
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th September 2016The Lord's message to the whole earth
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th July 2016Lessons from the lepers
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th July 2016The Lord our Righteousness
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th July 2016The testimony of Enoch
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd July 2016Wrestling with God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th June 2016God is love
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th June 2016The importance of fearing God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th June 2016The only way to God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th June 2016The Saviour at the door
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th May 2016Our Advocate on high
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 22nd May 2016The Good Samaritan
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th May 2016Our unchanging Saviour
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th May 2016Beware the hardening of our hearts
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st May 2016Features of the new birth
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th April 2016The folly of the prodigal (lost) son
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th April 2016Bartimaeus sees his salvation
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd April 2016Why seek ye the living among the dead?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 27th March 2016A Calling to the Heavy Laden
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 13th March 2016Can dry bones live?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th March 2016Looking unto Jesus
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th February 2016