Sermons on Hebrews
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Sunday Evangelistic Service . 15th December 2024EDT Annual TBS Deputation Meeting
Wednesday Bible Study . 26th June 2024A Lesson in Faith
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd June 2024Enduring The Cross
Friday Good Friday Service . 29th March 2024Baggage, Bitterness or Blessing
Wednesday Bible Study . 5th April 2023The Deception of Sin
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th March 2023The Duty of Considering Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 19th February 2023Christ - Son of Mary, Son of God
Wednesday Bible Study . 28th December 2022This Same Jesus
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th September 2022The Joy of the LORD
Wednesday Bible Study . 24th August 2022The LORD Our Helper
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th April 2022What A Contrast
Sunday Teaching Ministry . 23rd January 2022Focusing on the Throne of Grace
Wednesday Bible Study . 1st September 2021Consider Christ
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th January 2021The Throne of Grace
Wednesday Bible Study . 19th August 2020The way to please God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 6th October 2019The deceitfulness of sin
Monday Evangelistic Service . 4th June 2018Refusing, choosing, and esteeming
Sunday Teaching Ministry . 19th November 2017Able to save
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 7th May 2017Overcoming the power of death
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 5th March 2017Unbelievable unbelief
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th February 2017The testimony of Enoch
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd July 2016Our unchanging Saviour
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 8th May 2016Beware the hardening of our hearts
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 1st May 2016Looking unto Jesus
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th February 2016