Sermons on Genesis
Christ’s Glorious Victory
Sunday Teaching Ministry . 9th February 2025Hath God Said?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 24th November 2024The Searching Question
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 17th December 2023Noah and the Ark
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 11th June 2023Behold The Lamb of God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 30th April 2023Answers in Genesis - The Relevance of Genesis
Wednesday Bible Study . 19th October 2022Christian Stewardship
Wednesday Bible Study . 17th August 2022The First And Second Murder
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 10th July 2022Learning from Jacob's Example
Wednesday Bible Study . 13th April 2022Ye Shall Be As Gods
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 29th August 2021Jacob Blesses Pharoah
Wednesday Bible Study . 25th August 2021Abraham's Faithful Servant
Wednesday Bible Study . 3rd March 2021Series: The Life of Abraham
How We Hide Our Sin
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th February 2021Abraham's Godly Witness
Wednesday Bible Study . 24th February 2021Abraham Offers Up Isaac
Wednesday Bible Study . 17th February 2021Isaac and Ishmael
Wednesday Bible Study . 10th February 2021Abraham and Abimelech
Wednesday Bible Study . 3rd February 2021Sodom: A Picture of Judgement
Wednesday Bible Study . 27th January 2021Three Heavenly Guests
Wednesday Bible Study . 20th January 2021Five Characteristics of God's Covenant People
Wednesday Bible Study . 13th January 2021The Regret of Faithlessness
Wednesday Bible Study . 6th January 2021The Importance of Light
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 3rd January 2021God's Covenant With Abram
Wednesday Bible Study . 16th December 2020Abram Rescues Lot
Wednesday Bible Study . 9th December 2020Blessed is the Peacemaker
Wednesday Bible Study . 2nd December 2020Faith Versus Fear
Wednesday Bible Study . 25th November 2020Five Features of Abram's Faith
Wednesday Bible Study . 18th November 2020The Call of Abram
Wednesday Bible Study . 11th November 2020Correcting Our Identity Crisis
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th October 2020Spiritual Warfare
Sunday Teaching Ministry . 23rd August 2020After the Flood
Wednesday Bible Study . 11th March 2020Series: Genesis
The flood arises
Wednesday Bible Study . 4th March 2020Series: Genesis
The generations of Noah
Wednesday Bible Study . 26th February 2020Series: Genesis
Driven from the presence of the Lord
Wednesday Bible Study . 19th February 2020Series: Genesis
Abel the first martyr
Wednesday Bible Study . 12th February 2020Series: Genesis
The burden of sin
Wednesday Bible Study . 5th February 2020Series: Genesis
The sickness of sin
Wednesday Bible Study . 29th January 2020Series: Genesis
Enter Satan
Wednesday Bible Study . 22nd January 2020Series: Genesis
The commandment in the garden
Wednesday Bible Study . 15th January 2020Series: Genesis
The rest of the 7th day
Wednesday Bible Study . 8th January 2020Series: Genesis
Made in God's image
Wednesday Bible Study . 18th December 2019The Lord brings forth life
Wednesday Bible Study . 11th December 2019Series: Genesis
In the beginning
Wednesday Bible Study . 27th November 2019Series: Genesis
What is sin?
Sunday Teaching Ministry . 27th January 2019Series: Clarity on Christian Doctrines
Satan - the enemy of souls
Sunday Teaching Ministry . 13th January 2019Series: Clarity on Christian Doctrines
Conformed or transformed?
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 28th October 2018The human will
Wednesday Bible Study . 4th July 2018God's call to Adam
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th March 2018Lessons from the life of Joseph
Wednesday Bible Study . 14th February 2018Making sense of Heaven and Earth
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 12th November 2017Remembering the Lord's Day
Wednesday Bible Study . 5th July 2017We are in God's sight
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 18th December 2016The meaning of the ark of Noah
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 4th December 2016The blessings of salvation
Wednesday Bible Study . 9th November 2016Series: The Life of Joseph
A type of the church
Wednesday Bible Study . 2nd November 2016Series: The Life of Joseph
A type of conversion
Wednesday Bible Study . 26th October 2016Series: The Life of Joseph
Benjamin - a type of Christ
Wednesday Bible Study . 12th October 2016Series: The Life of Joseph
The way of repentance
Wednesday Bible Study . 5th October 2016Series: The Life of Joseph
The offering up of Isaac
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 2nd October 2016Storehouses of blessing
Wednesday Bible Study . 28th September 2016Series: The Life of Joseph
The revealed will of God
Wednesday Bible Study . 21st September 2016Series: The Life of Joseph
The Lord was with Joseph
Wednesday Bible Study . 14th September 2016Series: The Life of Joseph
Joseph - a type of Christ
Wednesday Bible Study . 7th September 2016Series: The Life of Joseph
Wrestling with God
Sunday Evangelistic Service . 26th June 2016